Pim Meijer appointed SPAR Netherlands Retailer Cooperative chairman

November 2, 2023 IN THE CATEGORY: People

  • Pim Meijer appointed SPAR Netherlands Retailer Cooperative chairman

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The board of the SPAR Netherlands Retailers Cooperative announced on 11 October that independent SPAR retailer Pim Meijer has been appointed as its chairman. 

Pim Meijer will succeed chairman Albert Jan Kleis, who had been a very committed chairman of the board of the SPAR Netherlands Retailers Cooperative for many years and will leave after the end of his term.

Pim Meijer is no stranger to the SPAR Netherlands retailer cooperative. As an independent retailer operating the SPAR city store in Enschede for eight years, he has been active in various committees for years. Based on this experience, the board invited him to support the brand’s continued evolution through taking on the role of chairman.

SPAR Netherlands Retailer Cooperative

Meijer is looking forward to his role within the SPAR Netherlands retailer cooperative. “During my years as an entrepreneur, I have got to know SPAR as a great organisation with a driven management team and supervisory board. SPAR’s neighbourhood stores contribute to the quality of life of its customers, ensure profitable operations for entrepreneurs and the brand is a valuable supporter of the local community. I would like to contribute to that.”

Meijer indicated that the appointment to the position as chairman is a great honour. “I, together with my fellow board and committee members, want to put all our energy into the board. It is a particularly challenging time in retail. The revenue model for SPAR entrepreneurs has changed significantly due to the challenging market and increasing legislation and regulations. A SPAR entrepreneur can only function if the operating system includes clear communication, functioning logistics and the right strategy. The biggest challenge is that we get through these turbulent times together in SPAR. The board will strive to ensure all entrepreneurs remain proud of the distinctive character and position of SPAR in the Dutch market.”

Meijer indicated: “We have to get to work and accelerate, as we say in Twente. We have a unique position in the market and we must continue to succeed in offering real convenience in any place, at any time, thus making life a little easier for our customers.”

Source: SPAR Netherlands

Read more about SPAR Netherlands

About SPAR Netherlands

The SPAR brand was founded in the Netherlands in 1932 by the Dutch wholesaler Adriaan van Well. It was established as a voluntary chain of grocers under the name DESPAR – an acronym of a slogan created by van Well to describe the organisation: Door Eendrachtig Samenwerken Profiteren Allen Regelmatig. SPAR Netherlands’ main distribution centre in Waalwijk supports licensed independent retailers operating throughout the country.